Saturday, February 27, 2010

Characteristics Of Transformational Leadership Traits-A Way To Promising Success!!

Defining leadership, we can say that it is a relationship between leader and followers based on ability and position, with an aim to achieve the certain goals, which is made possible through conducive environment, mutual understanding and effective communication; allowing the clear insight of vision and the steps to attain it, to the followers .
To have a successful leadership is quintessential in today’s era, to tackle effectively the cloud of adversities hovering over one head. Every niche on this planet is hunting for an effective leadership, be it a prospering organization or an illustrious school, a cornered kiosk or a grooming saloon, an agency or government institutions or simply a four-walled, comfy home; an ideal leadership is the imperative necessity of all.
The unending demand of creative leadership leads too many questions in one’s mind as what are the traits one should possess to come up as an authentic leader.In fact, authentic leadership is nothing, merely being a set of qualities that makes a person prominent in the sea of ordinarily-skilled people. However, these traits can be nurtured too.

The very essence of leadership is that you have to have a vision. - Theodore Hesburgh
As the quote implies, first and foremost quality of thriving leadership is the leadership vision. Visionary leadership has a clear map of where to go. The visionary leader possess the ability to make concrete assessment of tomorrow and have the clear cut imaginative ideas to lead an organization or a team to an alluring accomplishment.

Being able to analyze the fact and theories effectively and making apt decisions on these bases is quintessential for successful and effective leadership. The leadership where facts can not be weighed properly and alternatives and decisions are not taken correctly, the success is highly uncertain. It requires the critical analysis of data, keeping in view the problems and solutions and then making confident decisions, no matter how uncertain the situation is.


The ability to make swift decision, after critical analysis and careful judgment of the facts, figures is what the true demand of time. The prompt but correct decisions of leader are what shape the destiny of an organization and of people associated with it. Hence, it is indispensable to come up with logical decision even in highly unfavorable aura so that hopes and aspirations of people are not shattered.

Leadership is communicating to people their worth and potential so clearly that they come to see it in themselves. - Stephen Covey
The best of leadership trait is having the good communication skills for influential leadership. More articulately and more fluently a leader is able to communicate his ideas and vision, more properly it would be achieved by followers. Good communication skills boost up mutual understanding between the followers and leader, who in turn work confidently in the most appropriate manner, to attain the desired goal.

Once the decision is taken, even if it be welcomed with criticism, the duty of leaders is to take initiative towards it designed policy to make it apparent that you are confident of your decision that would eventually bear fruits. It will be helpful in instilling trust and confidence in followers, who make then collective effort to attain it.

A true leadership trait to be possessed by all is the unselfishness i.e. giving priority to the work before concerning for self. It’ll be inspiring and motivating for the followers who will then do the same by being loyal and fully committed to the work, leading to a promised success.

Being loyal and fully committed to the work is what the initial demand of success. The leadership, if is loyal and honest to the company, the followers will then be loyal too. If the leader is able to inspire this uncanny loyalty in his followers, the immense collective commitment can be expected from all.

Deeply disciplined actions and thoughts are hall marks in the wide array of “best leadership qualities.” A disciplined leader ensures the correct prioritization of the tasks and remains adhered to the vision and mission of the organization, along with the organized involvement of team, so as to bring out the best. Its helps them to fulfill their roles and responsibilities in a systematic way, within the entrusted time frame, with least possible distraction.

A real leader faces the music, even when he doesn't like the tune. - Anon
Self-confidence, a key to successful leadership. It’s about having faith on your abilities and judgments, in spite of confining and piercing criticism. This invincible leadership characteristic allows the person to stick to the decision and be optimistic in dealing with all the hurdles that come in his way. All this can be achieved through leadership vision and setting smaller goals to let yourself trust on your abilities and becoming firm on your decision gradually. This will ensures the personal development of a person, too.

Leadership is practiced not so much in words as in attitude and in actions. Harold Geneen

Leader must possess integrity that is being honest and truthful in character and actions so that followers could trust him and follow him. As long as his actions reflect his words, followers will put complete trust on his policies and will be all the time willing whole heartedly to give the best. Followers will approach him all the time for, they trust on him.


It demands the leader to put all its time and energy on the set goals to ensure the promising achievements. This leadership skill sets as an inspiration for the followers, who on visualizing the dedication and sincerity on the part of leader; feel motivated to give to the fullest, which results in the better and timely attainment of the assigned targets.

Magnanimity allows the leader to give the followers their due credit. A successful leadership truly acknowledges the crucial part played by followers and gives them their due reward, so as to ensure the consistency on their part. It also demands the leader to be the sole absorbent of failures and discouraging remarks, preventing any remote hint of it to the followers, for the optimism to diffuse itself all over the team thus, ensuring the lasting triumph. It does not imply that you keep the followers in dark, regarding the hard truths, but you convey them in an optimistic way so that their performance is least affected.

Being open to the criticism, new ideas and feedback is exceptionally essential for the collective development of leadership and followers. It will ensure the influx of challenging and new ideas that will nourish their vision more finely, making the goal more interesting and fascinating to be achieved. It will also result in the personal development of the followers and leaders.Moreover, being open to the feedback by follower would allow the mutual understanding to boost between leader and follower and will remove any existing misunderstandings.


Gradually when you are acknowledged as an effective leader, the more you are burdened with challenging tasks and confronting criticism. At this crucial time, the perseverance and patience is highly important leadership trait. The leader must possess mental and physical stamina to endure the gloomy aura, so as to be welcomed by warm, bright success. It can be done well by focusing solely on your goal and being firmly confident of what you do.

Ability to accept constructive criticism is the hallmark of leadership trait. As long as the leader take the criticism with good heart and drive better results from it, the leader can ensure the success by driving and implementing different ideas from the criticism.

One of the indispensable leadership characteristic is being impartial and consistent in decisions and dealings. He must listen to everyone’s voice with equal importance and then jump to conclusions, considering the facts, without even the tinge of unfairness and favoritism.when the followers perceive that they are treated fairly and are given their due rights, they would be more loyal and committed to the organization and the leader.
The people who possess the useful amalgamation of these entire leadership traits would eventually be prominent in the midst of ordinary crowds and will guide the destination of many towards eternal success since, all the leadership challenges and hurdles could easily be tackled by such a leader and his vision is based on the collective good for all!!

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