Monday, February 15, 2010

Are You A Successful Leader?

Leadership is a relationship between leader and followers based on ability and position, with an aim to achieve the certain goals, which is made possible through conducive environment, mutual understanding and effective communication; allowing the clear insight of vision and the steps to attain it, to the followers .
The researchers have suggested the various leadership styles, theories and characteristics but what pledges the guaranteed triumph, the question is still in discussion. The successful leader can be defined as the one who has attained in all the tasks and has remained as an outstanding and influential person through out his job.

The article puts light on some of the qualities possessed by all the great leaders of the past.
The successful leadership stems from being exceptionally sharp in decision-making and always come up with the right conclusions at demanding time. The leaders carefully analyze the facts and figures and open a new episode of creativity, each time they express their ideas. He possesses the ability to best interpret the information and reach at more practical and lucrative solutions.
The successful leaders possess vitality in his actions which instill the inspiration and the unbeatable feeling of motivation in the followers. This insurmountable inspiration and motivation acts as a catalyst towards the promising success. To get the task done, this is an important step by the leader as, it produces the cohesive feeling among the team mates. He must have a correct idea of the weakness and strengths of the individual and then work accordingly to bring them together, as a whole
Importantly, the successful leader is good at transferring his ideas and vision. The fluency, the enthusiasm with which he conveys his ideas to the subordinates engulf them with an invincible feeling of promised success. The clearer he is in his vision and goals, the better would be the performance of the followers.
To be an effective leader, he must have the true insight of the leadership styles and what style suits which situation. Only the apt of the situation and selection of the styles accordingly would assure the accomplishment of goals. On the basis of the individuals knowledge, the resources available, the related experiment, the nature of task and the relations with subordinates; the decision of situation is made in to effect.
Integrity in the words and actions is essential leadership skill. If the subordinates believe on the words of the leader, he would trust on him and will look forward to him in the troublesome situations. He would be expected to make fair judgments. The leader must be honest a in his judgments and must give the juniors their due reward; this will instill confidence in them to trust on their abilities and work harder.
To come up as an authentic leader, he has to make a leader among his subordinates. History has proved that only those leaders are written in the golden pages of history that have produced true leaders. For this to be done effectively, the leader must act as a role model for the subordinates and should keep his words. He must entrust the subordinates with few authorities in certain matters and expect the best from them. Timely guidance, instilling confidence through responsibilities would carve their skills of leadership, which would be unveiled as the situation demands.
If these superb qualities are the hallmarks of one’s character, he is truly a successful leader-the only support in the violent sea of crisis!

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