History has produced various dynamic transformational leaders that have changed the course of the history and gave human being an undeniable exemplary leadership lessons. The great leaders transformed the ideals of the people into the realities by having an attainable yet, transformed vision, in harmony with the demands of the people and adopted the diverse strategies to accomplish the organized goal.
Transformational Leadership, as defined by Burns (1978) is “it recognizes and exploits the existing need or demand of a potential follower....and looks for potential motives in followers, seeks to satisfy higher need and engages the full person of the follower(cited in Changing Minds.org.n.d).”
Burns has further classified the transformational leaders in to four major categories i.e.charismatic, revolutionaries, reformers and intellectuals based on varying characteristics but over all the impact are to influence and transform the strategies and plans to get beyond what the situation possibly appears to give.
According to burns, Charismatic Leaders are the one who inspire and motivate others through their heroic alluring acts; The Intellectual Leader is a person with a vision that can transform society by raising social consciousness; Revolutionary Leaders bring complete and pervasive transformation of an entire social system and, the Reformer Leaders transform parts of society to realize moral principles.
Charismatic leaders
• Muhammad (PBUH) As A Transformational Leader
Muhammad (PBUH) is the great transformational leader for all time to come. He with his character and manners steered the ill nation of the Arabia out of the darkness and showed them the path full of promised success, peace and love.
He gave humanity a moral set of conduct and the laws in all the aspect of life. From eating to drinking, from dressing to traveling, from behavior at home to behavior in dealings and with the neighbors, friends and relatives, from state laws to foreign policy and rules in war in peace; in short he, through his actions, he presented himself as a perfect model in moral, spiritual, economics, political and social areas of life. He transformed the whole humanity for all times to come through his exemplary teachings and actions.
Revolutionary Leader
• Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King is the illustrious revolutionary transformational leader as he brought the revolution in the social life of America through his words and actions.the equal civil rights for all irrespective of the acts creed and was the aim of this eminent leader and his efforts bore fruit when for the first time the Afro-American President “Barack Obama” was elected as the 44th president of United States Of America.
His famous speech “I have a Dream” has taken as the way to transforming the society. It shows just what kind of leader he was; a man who was very effective at what he did. He transformed the thoughts of the masses and kindled the light of universal equality on the land of “world Super Power.”
• Alexander The Great
Alexander the young, invincible leader had the simple yet intriguing vision to win and rule the vast world. This leads to the commencement of many conquests. It includes the battle of Persia (now known as Iran), the most successful heroic tale in history. Alexander led the army of t35, 000 soldiers and confronted the deadly weapons of Persians, resulting in the lasting triumph. His victory opened the way to many Asian countries for him. He continued his quest and marched along the coast of Syria, then d to Phoenicia in south and captured Tyre. Further, captured Gaza in just three months. Alexander then captured Egypt, which was ruled by Persian ruler King Darius.
He continued the conquests to satisfy his thirst of ruling the world and, brought the whole world under his strong, dynamic control.
• Jeremy Bentham
Jeremy Bentham had been the renowned intellectual leader of the Europe as he waged war for the true social and legal laws irrespective of status quo. Bentham's life work was the advocacy of a clear, coherent, humane, and simplified legal system. He put constant stress to the undeniable fact that the purpose of the law is to bring everyone to their justified end by rewarding and punishing them for their actions.His all efforts revolve around the famous phrase by Hutcheson "the happiness of the greatest number."
These famous and worth-praising leaders are the examples for today’s generation, each exposing the real sense and meaning of life and, motivating the individuals to attain their visualized life by living for their dreams.
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